Identifying A Gaming Fanboy

Fanboy; A Fanboy is an individual who is extremely biased and subjective in their opinion within particular medium or given subject. Known for roundabout logic, arguing with a Fanboy is fruitless as the disagreement will end in some nonsensical reply which negates anything said before on their part.
- Tom James Hunt, 2013
Fanboys are individuals who believe that there isnt a single iota wrong with their cherished franchise and will defend their favourite game to the death, hopefully. Now, there isnt anything wrong with liking a game, or even classing it as your favourite. The issue is when you try to convince yourself that all the problems are nothing more than artistic choices on the developers part and it is a perfect experience. I have no idea why people feel admitting faults in their favourite titles means the game as a whole is rubbish, because theres no such thing as a perfect game. But I guess if you start pointing out problems you wont be invited to the weekly Mass Effect role play night. Each Fanboy from each main form of gaming: console and PC gaming are very different creatures, and must be treated as such. So here is: Toms Survival Guide to Identifying a Fanboy.The PC Fanboy