Identifying A Gaming Fanboy

The Microsoft Fanboy

xbix XBOX Fanboys are the most common and most mouthy out of the console group. The XBOX Fanboy isn€™t normally a super, hard-core, smelly nerd. They€™re curiously enough, the Jock of the gaming universe. This is because they mainly play FPS€™s like Call of Duty, BattleField and of course, Halo. They don€™t bother themselves with other genres because other games are €˜so sad€™. XBOX has an absolutely huge library of exclusive games which, they€™ll never let you forget. They also try sway an argument in the direction of exclusive games is because while they believe that XBOX Live is without a doubt, the greatest thing created and would gladly die for their Live points; they do have to pay a ridiculous amount for simple things like changing your picture or name. When confronted about this, the normal response is something like: €œYou have to spend big money for big times€ which, I€™m not going to lie; was said to me before, and it turned my bloody stomach.
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Thomas James Hunt is a British Video Game Critic who is a rather unpleasant character in the journalism world. So brace yourself for some nasty behaviour in the form of articles.