The fifth (and possibly final?) Metal Gear Solid game doesn't hit stores until September 1st, but with the review embargo lifting and members of the public already getting their hands on the game's strategy guide, leaks have already started flooding the Internet. The most extensive plot spoilers appear to have been pulled from the Italian version of the guide, yet by the nature of the MGS series along with Hideo Kojima's request that the guide's writers don't give everything away, these reveals have pretty much just raised more questions than answers. The spoilers are there for the curious, but it's likely that even reading through the lot will still leave you with plenty to be surprised by come release day. Even so, one particular plot point is unquestionably the series' most daring twist since MGS2's Raiden bait-and-switch, and despite the sure-to-be-amazing gameplay, this revelation could potentially harm the experience for a lot of hardcore fans. As Big Boss' journey to the dark side comes full circle, here are 9 insane MGSV spoilers that just got leaked...
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.