Pokémon: 10 Pokédex Entries That Were Absolute Lies

Just what kind of bullsh*t are you trying to pull, Professor Oak?!

Pokemon Pokedex Lies

The Pokedex, to quote Professor Oak, is a "high-tech encyclopedia". It gives information on various creatures the player encounters as we journey across the world of Pokemon, collecting badges and throwing balls at purple rats. It’s basically our guide on the Pokemon journey, recording a Pokemon’s size, weight, location, cry, and a little bit of colourful information on the Pokemon itself.

However, a closer look into Oak’s device reveals that it might not quite be as ‘high-tech’ as the rambling octogenarian claimed. In fact, the Pokedex makes some pretty darn outrageous claims that would make even the most gullible of 11 year olds think twice about the hot streams of nonsense the electronic ''encyclopedia'' has spouted out over the years.

Sure, Pokemon is a wonderful, charming game not exactly intended to be a 100% realistic portrayal of modern life, but when a talking book starts trying to convince me that a certain Pokemon is hotter than the surface of the sun, or that another has the power to steal your soul, that’s where I draw the line and go back home to Pallet Town.

Here’s a collection of the biggest whoppers the Pokedex has ever tried to pull over on us…

10. Shedinja

Pokemon Pokedex Lies

The Pokedex Entry:

‘’Shedinja's hard body doesn't move - not even a twitch. In fact, its body appears to be merely a hollow shell. It is believed that this Pokémon will steal the spirit of anyone peering into its hollow body from its back.’’ - Pokemon Ruby

In reality:

Sorry, what? Shedinja will steal the spirit of anyone peering into its hollow body from its back? Terrifying implications aside, I guess we’ll just have to avoid looking into this things back right, to be on the safe side?

Oops, I forgot, you literally cannot avoid looking at this things back if you send it out in battle. It’s right there, on the sprite. The endless void that you have no hope of escaping. Feel your soul slipping away!

Professor Oak… I don’t feel so good…

Or maybe it’s nonsense. Possibly that too.

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Writer, editor and presenter for WhatCulture, also a resident musician at NU. I know I'm not as funny as I think I am, please stop pointing it out...