Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 10 Characters Who MUST Appear

8. Doctor Chelli Lona Aphra

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Boba Ahsoka
Marvel Comics

Doctor Aphra is a character that you won't know unless you've read the Star Wars comics or spend an inordinate amount of time on Wookiepedia. Think Lara Croft in space. Anyway, now is your chance to go and buy those comics, because they're totally awesome.

Chelli Lona Aphra is a badass space archaeologist and scientist who sided with Darth Vader for many of his missions to find Luke Skywalker. As such, she would likely only appear if the game is set years after Revenge of the Sith, allowing time for Anakin to truly become Vader, find and recruit her, and task her with missions.

If the game is set even later, however, she could appear in her full Indiana Jones glory after faking her own death to escape the clutches of her former master. Armed with a (fake) doctorate, a bag full of artefacts and more business sense than Lord Sugar, her appearance in Fallen Order will be fleeting at best, perhaps in front of you in the queue at a merchant's, or mentioned over a drink in a wretched hive of scum and villainy in Mos Eisley.


Freelance games writer. Bulbasaur was the best starter Pokémon, and this is a hill I will die on.