Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - 10 Characters Who MUST Appear

7. Jyn Erso And Cassian Andor

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Boba Ahsoka

As one of the most well-received of the new Star Wars films, it would be a sensible move for EA to put some of the characters from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story into Fallen Order. Jyn Erso could be encountered with extremist militant rebel and father figure Saw Gerrera, or long after she left his care.

It would be great to get to know more backstory of all Rogue One's characters and find out what they were doing before embarking on a mission to capture the Death Star plans, not least Cassian Andor, who is gearing up for a Star Wars TV show of his own on Disney+.

Any of the characters could prove handy allies for a young Padawan in Fallen Order, and even a little easter egg, cameo, or tie-in would make Fallen Order feel like a real addition to the established Star Wars universe. Yes, the universe is massive and the likelihood of bumping into any other character is slim, but there's still a chance.


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