The Division: 10 Crucial Questions Ubisoft Must Answer
Have Ubisoft downgraded ANOTHER highly-anticipated game?!
In terms of games that could absolutely dominate 2016 if done right, Ubisoft have it sewn up with The Division. An open-world RPG meets third-person base-builder (try saying that five times fast), they're attempting to do for survival-based action what Destiny did for first-person shooters. However, within that comparison comes a massive issue; pre-release hype and coverage around Bungie's latest was routed in a deep story with incredibly varied weapons and gameplay tactics, too. We were expecting to go on a massive planet-hopping adventure, snapping up all sorts of fancy gizmos and firearms along the way. Then it released and... there were four small levels masquerading as 'worlds', one mission type and a random loot generator that better resembled a Las Vegas slot machine. People were suitably p*ssed beyond belief, and Destiny became the first multi-million dollar game to release as a shell of its former potential, resorting to selling fans chunks of DLC and content for the following months. Back to The Division... and it could be more of the same. From the raids you and a buddy can hop into, to the fortifiable HQ you'll be building over the course of the story, Ubi's latest could be one of the most interesting, addictive and genre-bending games of all time - or it could be another flop of Watch Dogs' proportions.
10. Will It Have Microtransactions?