The Division: 10 Crucial Questions Ubisoft Must Answer

9. Will Bullet-Sponge Enemies Ruin Everything?

The official beta goes live across multiple platforms on varying dates at the end of January 2016, but early feedback from the few that have already gone hands-on, is that amping up the difficulty to ensure enemies take entire clips to put down doesn't gel with the real-world aesthetic of the game itself. It ends up looking and feeling like the most drawn-out raids from Destiny, as firing for minutes-on-end into an enemy that continues to move unfazed just doesn't make for good gameplay. Add that to the fact that you're only really going up against thugs in hoody n' jean combos (alongside the occasional riot trooper) and it starts to clash in a way that could end up feeling extremely unfair. After all, being out of cover yourself saps your life within seconds (the impetus being to hang back and pick your shots instead), but as we know from decades of game design, failing to take something down when you're shooting it in the head - only to then get killed yourself - is always endlessly infuriating.
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