WWE 2K18: 10 Leading Contenders To Be Cover Star

5. The New Day

WWE 2K18 cover stars undertaker lesnar goldberg wyatt ziggler zayn strowman ambrose corbin jericho

Just look at the merchandise sales over the last two years and tell me New Day wouldn't be a smart choice for the cover of WWE 2K18. They would be, and then some.

Hopefully the change in scenery that comes with a move to SmackDown Live rejuvenates the trio who did become a bit too stale for any of our likings towards the end of their record-breaking WWE Tag Team Championship run. There's only so many times even three men as entertaining as Big E, Kofi and Xavier are can be wheeled out to cut an aimless promo before they become annoying.

Despite poor booking, New Day remain one of the more popular acts in WWE today and you're probably wondering why I'm repeating myself so much. You're a popular babyface, you're in contention. That's the formula we're working with here.

There's a couple of red herrings coming your way however so stick with me, people...

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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.