WWE 2K18: 10 Leading Contenders To Be Cover Star

4. Finn Balor

WWE 2K18 cover stars undertaker lesnar goldberg wyatt ziggler zayn strowman ambrose corbin jericho

You just have to look at Finn Balor's entrances from WWEs 2K16 and 17 to realise how much he's valued within WWE's gaming community. They're bonafide works of art. And while they might not hit the nail exactly on the head in terms of timing and accuracy of their content, the productions values that went into them could be replicated for the cover and potentially create the best game sleeve we've ever seen. I'm talking better than CM Punk WWE '13 sleeve quality here, something I'm not too sure is achievable with anyone other than The Demon King himself.

Heck, let Finn and his make-up lady design the cover and there's no doubt they'd come up with something that belongs in an art gallery rather than on a video game cover.

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Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.