15 Old School Photos That Prove The World Used To Be Completely Insane
Images from the historical encyclopaedia of WTF?
Ever played tennis on the wing of a flying plane? Played hockey with Hitler? Taken your pet bear for a walk? No? Well, what are you doing with your life? Plonked on the couch, watching Netflix and reading this - no doubt. Things change over time, but some things, like, REALLY change over time. Things like snapping shots of your kid with unchained reptilian predators and letting crows tuck them in at night (yes, really) - child protection has ruined all the fun. Nowadays, a kid sniffs a peanut and they're rushed to A&E. In an era where people pay thousands for butt implants and openly have sex on reality TV; where animals are still exploited by humans and innocent children have bombs callously dropped onto their schools, it's difficult to say the world isn't still completely screwed. Perhaps people will look back at photos from our generation with evolved mentalities and say WTF... well, let's face it, we do it to our fellow humans already. At least the majority of our rules and regulations stand to keep this crazy world turning to minimum devastation, though. Believe it or not - things used to be a hell of a lot worse. What follows is photographic evidence of early inventions, laws, crazes and pets that would send Twitter into an absolute frenzy if they happened today. Takin' it back to the old skool...