15 Old School Photos That Prove The World Used To Be Completely Insane

12. Dance 'Til You Drop, Literally (1920s)

'Dance marathons' were a popular craze of the 20s, where the aim was to keep boogying until all other contestants passed out, pretty much. Winners would achieve fame and, of course, cash prizes; which is probably why they pushed their bodies to the absolute feet-tappin' limit. Judging by the spectators faces in the background, these two lost.

11. Don't Mind Me, Just Taking My Pet Bear For A Walk (1963)

No doubt tired of it laying dumps on the kitchen floor, Gregory Sukhov takes his pet bear Mickey for a walk in Moscow. Oh, those Russians!

10. You're A Chain Smoker? Bitch, Please.

Back in the days when smoking was encouraged, with adverts proclaiming that Camels were doctor's ciggy of choice and Lucky Strikes kept you thin, this woman has clearly found the greatest invention ever.

9. Testing Out A Bulletproof Vest (1933)

Better safe than sorry, eh? The guy getting shot appears to have a slight smirk on his face, evidently relieved that the pad scarcely covering his whole torso repelled bullets; and equally pleased the dude with the gun had a good aim.
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