10 Horror Movies That Suck So Bad You Can't Believe They Got Made

Your mind will boggle at how terrible these films ended up being.

The Exorcist 2
Warner Bros.

When you think about how many terrible movies get made every year, it makes you wonder how bad some of the ideas were that got pitched and then turned down.

For every Catwoman, Battlefield Earth, and Movie 43, there must have been a hundred other scripts that producers looked and went "that will never work". The same goes for horror movies; there are plenty of rubbish stories that will never be fully realised on screen.

Sometimes though, against all conventional wisdom, some terrible ideas slip through the cracks.

These ten horrible films were doomed from the very start, before a single shot was even filmed. The concepts were flawed, the characters were one-dimensional at best, and they were never, ever going to be anything other than embarrassments. And yet, people spent money on getting them made; quite a bit of money in some instances.

If there is one consolation with these movies, it's that the thought of how they got produced in the first place will distract from how disastrously bad they are. Although, the safest thing to do would be to just avoid them entirely.

10. Dreamcatcher

The Exorcist 2
Warner Bros.

There's no such thing as a surefire success in the world of film, but one name that is as close to a guarantee of quality as one can possibly get is Stephen King.

The modern master of horror has had dozens of his stories transposed onto the big screen, resulting in some of the biggest and best-loved scary movies of all time.

And then there's Dreamcatcher.

Based on King's novel of the same name from two years earlier, this 2003 flick sees a group of friends unite to do battle with a horde of alien parasites. With names like Thomas Jane, Damian Lewis, and Morgan Freeman on board, there was no way this could fail.

Yet, it did.

King's original story got butchered, leading to a convoluted, bloated mess that not even a talented cast could rescue. It's easily one of the worst adaptations of the author's work, even if the man himself has expressed a fondness for it.

How on Earth did Dreamcatcher turn out so bad? It should have been a slam dunk, but instead, it ricocheted off the rim and bounced straight through somebody's car window.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.