5 Reasons Katy Perry Is The Reigning Queen Of Pop

2. Tabloid Dream

Not to be confused with her media image, Perry has a knack for writing her own stories.

When you look at some articles about celebrities, especially those under the category of A-list, a number of the facts may be embellished to help add meat to the bones. This is not a surprising revelation, however because of the nature of her being, and also the stories that appear about her, the truth is that Katy Perry is perfect journalistic fodder.

Whether it's marrying Russell Brand, posing with a switchblade, appearing in a low-cut top on Sesame Street or simply giving her own two cents worth in an interview, the stories that appear about the pop star are engrossing, self-writing and ultimately entertaining. Type in the name Katy Perry on a google news search and nearly every story that appears on the first two pages is from within about 48 hours.

It shows an incredible level of media coverage for just one woman, and many of the stories that appear are fuelled not by speculation or hearsay, but by Perry herself. Her awareness and ability to manipulate and control the news feeds across the globe is definitely impressive in a generation that relies so heavily on social media to get that next big story.

The queen of pop easily has both tabloids and fans eating out of the palm of her hand.


Football mad, gaming enthusiast, wrestling purist. I am fortunate enough to work full time in the world of football, and am Senior Editor for the football video gaming site, Soccer Gaming. Love a debate!