10 Valentine’s Day Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

10. Some People Send Themselves Flowers

Alicia Fox Bouquet Of Flowers

There's something just a little bit heartbreaking about this fact. Imagine your sister/mother/cousin/friend being so down in the dumps about the lack of cards crashing onto their doormat that they hit the nearest florist and arrange to send themselves some flowers. Yes: it really happens.

Estimates suggest up to 15% of women in the United States alone do this, presumably because they can't bear to watch others around them all loved up. It's pretty upsetting, not to mention a damning commentary on the commercialisation of Valentine's Day.

Next time you so much as hear about this sort of thing happening, please give them a hug. Or, if that's a bit too full on, buy them some damn flowers. To some people, token gestures others may take for granted mean the world.

When you consider just how lonely this holiday makes some people feel, suddenly it doesn't seem like such a good idea...


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.