13 Most Bizarre Things Found Inside People’s Bodies

"I, er, slipped and fell..."

buzz lightyear x ray

Anyone who has worked in the emergency department of a hospital will tell you that people just love inserting things into their anatomy. It's what we could called the "I slipped and fell" phenomenon.

Even when people aren't merrily putting things up their butts for the amusement of the doctors who have to extract them, there are a great number of ways a foreign object could make its way into the human body, with some truly horrifying results.

X-rays and exploratory surgery have revealed a whole new world of gruesomeness that would make even the most hardened surgeon feel light-headed. 

Whether these strange objects somehow worked their way in, or even grew in situ, it's astonishing how many people didn't realise they had a passenger until they let some doctors in to have a poke around.

13. A Live Eel

buzz lightyear x ray

In 2010, a man in China went to hospital after he started get unbearable stomach cramps and severe anal bleeding.

Doctors went through all of the usual suspects - tumours, organ damage, haemorrhoids - but on closer inspection the found that the damage had actually been cause by a live eel.

After the possibility that the eel could have survived after being eaten, it turned out that it had actually been put there by the man's caring friends.

After a night of drinking he had passed out and his chums decided that inserting a  live eel up into his anus would be the height of banter (classic). The eel caused so much damage that the man died 10 days later.

In a similar incident, another man in China decided to put an eel up his own butt after seeing it in a porn film. The eel chewed through his insides and had to be retrieved via surgery, but the man survived and, to add insult to injury, then faced animal cruelty charges.

A cautionary tale that we can surely all learn something from.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.