8 Deadly Fighting Styles You've Probably Never Heard Of

5. Muay Thai

Known as The Art of Eight Limbs, the Thai fighting style of Muay Thai does away with a lot of the more spiritual or cerebral aspects of many martial arts, in favour of reducing opponents to a whimpering pile of mince. The keen eyed reader might have noticed that most people have only four limbs, but the additional four limbs of Muay Thai refer to the knees and elbows, which are excellent for clubbing people in the face. According to legend, when Burma invaded Thailand (then Siam) a fighter called Nai Khanomtom was selected to fight Burmese boxers and fighters. He was able to roundly defeat nine opponents with Muay Thai, with no rests in between fights. The spectacle was supposedly so impressive that the Burmese king declared that Thai people hand venemous hands and many spectators thought that they had just witness black magic.
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