10 More TV Shows Marvel Must Make

runaways When I had the idea to write 10 TV Shows That Marvel Seriously Needs To Make, I first sat down, as I usually do with these sorts of articles, and made a list. When compiling a list, some topics are easier than others. There have been lists I€™ve struggled with, but thinking of ten Marvel properties that would make for good TV shows was absolutely not one of them. I am a self-professed Marvel fanatic. I wouldn€™t necessarily say my knowledge of the Marvel Universe is encyclopedic, but it comes very, very close to being so. You know that guy who recognizes every single damn obscure Easter egg in comic movies and explains them to everyone and why they€™re awesome? Yeah€that€™s me. I€™ve done so much research into Marvel€™s characters over the years, that there are characters whose complete backstory I know, even though I€™ve never read a single issue that they actually appear in. So when it comes to Marvel, I like to think I know what I€™m talking about. And when it comes to Marvel properties that I think could be awesome in movies or TV and find a strong audience, I jump all over it. Without even trying, my initial list for Marvel properties I'd like to see made into TV shows made it to about twenty, twenty-five different ideas. Marvel€™s willingness to embrace TV as well as film is really crucial. DC once dominated movies before Marvel got their act together, and at the moment, DC still has a stronger track record with TV. Smallville lasted (for better or worse) for ten seasons and Arrow is at the end of its first. Marvel€™s upcoming Agents of SHIELD is a crossover property, a test series. And if it goes well, expect Marvel to look at even more properties that would work for TV. And that€™s why I€™m here to help. Because, being a huge Marvel geek, I have a good idea of what I think could work. And if anyone from Marvel happens to be reading, I€™d love to write for you guys, and I work for cheap. Before we get started, remember that this is a follow-up to 10 TV Shows That Marvel Seriously Needs To Make. So if you're wondering why a certain character or title doesn't get mentioned in this article, go check out that one, because I may have already described it there.
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Percival Constantine is the author of several novels and short stories, including the Vanguard superhero series, and regularly writes and comments on movies, comics, and other pop culture. More information can be found at his website, PercivalConstantine.com