10 Most Underrated Game Of Thrones Characters

2. Salladhor Saan

Who?: Initially recruited by old pal Davos to bolster Stannis€™ army in the War of the Five Kings, Salladhor Saan€™s quick tongue and cheeky humour make him the most endearing smuggler you€™re bound to meet this side of Han Solo. Why Should I Love Them?: Despite revelling in the title of a pirate, Salladhor is actually a pretty nice guy (a prime example of this being when he saves a worse-for-wear Davos following the Battle of Blackwater Bay). Say what you want about pirates, Salladhor actually seems pretty reliable if you€™ve got the gold to tempt him into your service. Plus without Salladhor, we wouldn't have everyone's favourite stumpy-handed onion knight.

Most of my time is occupied by reading, staring at a screen, being oppressed by the government and awaiting the return of the Great Old One Cthulhu... I also write a little too.