10 Most Underrated Game Of Thrones Characters

1. Dolorous Edd

Who?: Edd is a loyal part of Jon Snow€™s motley crew at Castle Black and undoubtedly the funniest for his unabashed cynicism. He€™s also done pretty well to survive the Great Ranging North of the Wall, the mutiny at Craster€™s Keep, the Battle at Castle Black and the massacre at Hardhome. Why Should I Love Them?: So Edd didn't kill a giant, and he isn't travelling to Oldtown to become a Maester, nor is he the 998th commander of the Night's Watch. BUT, he did command the Wall pretty well for a little bit and, most importantly, he's hilarious. Whilst perhaps not quite as funny as he is in the books, Edd€™s bone dry humour is one of the best things at the Wall and so I bequeath onto you a couple of his best quotes and rest my argument there: €œThere€™s nothing more sickening than a man in love€€œAye we left you. You€™re fat and slow€ We didn€™t want to die€ Honourable Mentions: Kevan Lannister, Jory Cassel, Syrio Forel, Mirri Maz Duur, Gren, Pyat Pree, Edmure Tully & Maester Luwin. Who do you feel is underrated in the world of Thrones? Let us know in the comments. Like this article? Follow us on Twitter: @WhatCultureGoT

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