10 Television Shows That Overstayed Their Welcome

The simpsons Each new season in television brings those great new series, shows that stand out from the pack and are guaranteed renewals. This season has seen Arrow and Elementary establish themselves as fresh takes on classic characters; with Arrow replacing Smallville and its take on Oliver Queen with a darker Batman Begins esque take on the story, whilst Elementary has successfully cast away the shadow of the BBCs Sherlock and craft an identity for itself in the much trod ground of Sherlock Holmes and the procedural drama, female Watson and all. However as each TV year heads towards its conclusion we get the always entertaining renewal season, while this is almost an afterthought for monster hits like Modern Family or Big Bang Theory it can be a nerve racking event if you are a fan of lesser watched shows. This was a regular problem for the likes of Fringe and Chuck in recent years and personally as a fan of Happy Endings I am suffering through the same thing right now. As much as you can rely on the new hits and the underappreciated gems every year also sees the continuation of a long running series. Whether they are a perpetually bad show which for some reason millions choose to watch or that once great series that has now grown stale yet neither the fans or the network can bring themselves to put it out of its misery, there is always that programme that makes you think why is this still on the air? As actors get bored and writers run out of ideas the later years of television shows can become a painful viewing experience, so let€™s have a rundown of ten TV shows that regardless of whether they lost key characters, lost track of their initial premise or just grew stale, were on air for far too long...
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A guy who is in too far to many geeky things then he would care to admit. A film, tv and gaming enthusiast he will maintain that Rocky III is an awesome movie until he draws his final breath. Embarrassing Fact- owns five different versions of Ocarina of Time