10 Things Doctor Who Fans Can Thank Steven Moffat For

It's not all bad news.

In the world of Doctor Who fandom, the name Steven Moffat lives in infamy - and rightfully so. After all, under his current leadership as the Doctor Who showrunner, the series is practically living in plot holes so big it could tear the fabric of the universe apart. Continuity? Forget about it! The next episode sure did. Watch another TV show. Ain€™t getting one here. Not even close. These are the things in the show that non-fans point out every time it's argued that €œDoctor Who sucks!€ And it is so true how can we possibly talk back? The problem is, he is way too ambitious in his stories. He puts way too many big ideas on a canvas that it turns into a cluttered mess. And, as time has gone by, it's become a cluttered mess he seemingly has no intention of cleaning up. Or maybe he's just burnt up. Maybe with four seasons under his belt and with his writing obligations in Sherlock filling up his other hand, his tasks are taking a toll on him, ultimately turning his brain into something like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey€ stuff. But there was once a time the guy was loved, when he was sang nothing but praises and the day on which he became showrunner after Russell T Davies was universally celebrated. And that time is not forgotten. While most won€™t admit it, he used to be a fan favourite - and there is a reason for it. Maybe that€™s why millions are still tuning in week after week. And every once in a while, the Whoniverse needs to be reminded of that fact, and that day is today. So, let's take a fond look back at some of the positives Steven Moffat has contributed to that little show called Doctor Who. You might even be surprised to see just how much good he's done...

Once upon a time, Jon ended up in a huge dark room with a giant screen... and he never left. https://www.instagram.com/headrushreviews/?hl=en. https://www.facebook.com/headrushreviews