11 Worst Doctor Who Dalek Stories
Will the Daleks conquer the universe? Not in stories like these, they won't.
When Dalek stories are good, they're very, very good, as we'll be seeing in a forthcoming list. When Daleks stories are bad... they can still have a few bits of good, actually, and it's only the worst of the worst that seem to have no other redeeming value than confusing the viewer, for example, or hawking a new line of Dalek toys that look like SmartCars. (If you don't know what those are, Google it, then look at the image above. Uncanny, ain't it?) As with last week's list, this list includes only those stories in which the Daleks are the primary antagonists. Thus, even though we found out in the big reveal at the end of Frontier in Space that (spoilers! gasp!) the Daleks were behind everything the whole time, the story we should really be looking at is Planet of the Daleks, which follows immediately on from Frontier. And we will - oh, will we ever. And as always, your mileage may vary! What we consider to be the worst of all the Dalek offerings, you might have quite enjoyed. And if you did quite enjoy it, we'd love to hear why. In fact, if you disagree with any of our rankings (which is almost a given), let us know in the comments below!