15 Most Annoying Mistakes You Never Noticed In The Walking Dead

8. The Dummy Grenade

The Walking Dead Daryl Tattoos

Episodes: Guts (S1, E2) and TS-19 (S1, E6)

Speaking of that misplaced British tank, while Rick’s still stuck inside it in Guts before being rescued by Glenn, he comes across a rather handily placed hand grenade. Presumably he pockets it because it handily turns up once again in the Season 1 finale TS-19 just in time to blast open the doors of the CDC before it’s blown to smithereens.

Thing is though, that grenade Rick found in the tank is actually a dummy grenade used by the military for training purposes as indicated by its blue safety handle.

So … technically the doors of the CDC never broke, Rick and Co weren’t able to escape before the CDC was blown up and subsequently died along with Dr Jenner and Jacqui (remember her?) and everything from Season 2 onwards has been one long, drawn out purgatorial hallucination. And the fan theorists go wild.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.