Doctor Who Quiz: Which Doctor Are You?

Doctor Who 50th From Steven Moffat to Peter Capaldi, we've all played Doctor Who when we were kids. And now, Capaldi has the enviable task of creating his own Doctor. Of course, he'll add his own unique spin on the character - no Malcolm Tucker pun intended - but he'll also be drawing from a vast, haf-century old backcatalogue of quirks and traits that previous actors have used. And soon, we'll see if he's like Christopher Eccleston's Nine, as many think he will be, or if he's more like the mad Fourth Doctor, the suave Third Doctor, or the grandfatherly First. But which Doctor would you be? All you have to do is take our quiz to find out: here's how to play: 1. Get yourself a pen and paper. I know it's the 21st Century, but there's a reason. 2. Write One through to Eleven on said paper. These are going to be your Doctors, so leave some space to tally. 3. We're going to give you twenty statements, and for each one, there's a top five Doctors. If the statement is "Your Doctor loves bow ties", then Eleven scores 5/5 for that. Two might score 4/5. Nine however, wouldn't even be on the list. 4. Ask yourself, "If I was the Doctor, would I agree with that statement?" If your Doctor would love bow ties as much as Eleven, tally the score (5/5) next to "Eleven" on your paper. If you'd wear one in more of a Two way, put a 4/5 down. Or if you agree with Nine that they're rubbish, don't put anything down. 5. Go through all twenty statements, and write how much you'd agree with them on a scale of zero to five, tallying the number next to the corresponding Doctor on your paper. It's hopefully the most accurate Doctor Who quiz on the internet too, because ultimately, you're the one making the final decisions: if you don't agree, you can adjust your own tallies (that's the reason for the pen and paper)! Maybe you think that the Ninth Doctor was more romantic than I give him credit for, for example, and you choose to give him two tally points on your paper. Maybe you're a secret Colin Baker obsessive, and you believe that he's the frontrunner in every category. That's fine: there's no right and wrong, there's only opinion and interpretation. And if it's all complicated, wibbly-wobbly nonsense from that explanation, don't worry, I'll explain as we go. Whichever Doctor you end up as, share it in the comments, and let's all audition for Thirteen together!

Mark White hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.