It goes without saying that wed all love to see a Star Wars or Star Trek collaboration with Doctor Who. And we would definitely love to see Arthur Dent of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy gallivanting around the TARDIS considering the references theyve dropped over the years. But there are lots of characters from a whole range of television programmes who would make brilliant companions for the Doctor. Whether its for their quirks, abilities or even their pure love of science-fiction, there are many suitable candidates. However ten have been chosen, so read on to find out which of our favourite television characters have been chosen to travel through time and space at the Doctors side.
10. Kate Austen Lost

The Doctor likes to have a companion. Sometimes he takes them with him full time. These ones tend to be innocent, selfless and relatable; theyre in awe of the universe and will do anything they can to help. Then theres the ones that star in just one episode, the ones that are a little more headstrong and self-assured. The Doctor and the audience end up liking them despite themselves. Kate seems to fall into this category. Like Lady Christina de Souza, who starred in the episode Planet of the Dead and helped the Doctor to save both a bus-full of people and the Earth from the creatures edging towards the wormhole, Kate lives a life of crime. Shes staged a bank robbery, shes murdered her father and shes drugged her boyfriend. Shes not exactly the girl that the Doctor would want hanging around all the time but hed certainly find her interesting and useful. Having fended for herself on the island, climbing trees whilst foraging for food and fixing up wounds, shed be great in a crisis, helping out the injured and getting herself out of tricky situations. She would definitely be one of the companions who tries to do everything herself and rarely calls for the Doctor.