Doctor Who Review: Cobwebs-Fifth Doctor Audio Adventure

The Story

doc5teganTARDISconsole Cobwebs is wonderfully written, albeit making Tegan seem like how she was back when she first came aboard the TARDIS. If anyone remembers Four to Doomsday, she is frightened and panics, she yells at Adric and knocks him down. We don't see, or rather hear,her get physically aggressive in Cobwebs, but her temper is very similar to that in Four to Doomsday, which doesn't make sense because by this point in time during her travels in the TARDIS, her temper has mellowed, and she gets along better with the Doctor and Turlough. Although as said before, the only person who seems to be siding with Tegan and deals with her temper the best, is in fact Turlough. The music created for the story is great, it keeps the scenes intense, and it really goes well with the kind of story it is. The story begins with Tegan and the Doctor arguing about Turlough and slowly evolves to Nyssa preparing to descend to the planet Helheim. She scans the planet using Loki, her helper robot, and together they find it is a dangerous planet full of toxins. Loki picks up a distress signal, which happens to be an automatic recording for an emergency quarantine that was set off by the crew that once housed the facility station. Nyssa then descends to the facility station on the planet. Turlough feels he is the third wheel between the Doctor and Tegan and wants the Doctor to take him home.He and Tegan have words, and at this point they seem to patch things up, and Tegan apologizes, telling Turlough she hasn't had much time to get over Nyssa's departure. The TARDIS is then having problems and then eventually is forced down to the planet Helheim. The story begins to pick up when Loki and Nyssa are wandering around the research station in the dark, and Nyssa is trying to locate where everything is located, and also trying to find a way to get the lights on. Meanwhile Loki freaks out as he stepped in cobwebs.That's when he points out to Nyssa that cobwebs mean that there are spiders.Nyssa detects three creatures called the Cractids but Loki cannot find any signs of life. Nyssa starts panicking while Loki cannot help her at all because there is nothing there. The Cractids are a six-legged crustacean with a mandible and are capable of destroying people in the matter of seconds. After the TARDIS is forced down, the Doctor wants to find out where they are. Tegan sarcastically points out it's another corridor, and asks if it's such a great idea to look around. Turlough agrees with her, and the Doctor insists on doing so, so he can find out why they were forced down.The three discover the crews quarters and realize whoever were on the station, left in a hurry. Moments after finding the quarters,they come across Loki, and Nyssa explains it's been 50 years since she last saw her friends. Nyssa asked how long had it been for them since Terminus, and the Doctor tells her two days. Turlough must feel a bit ignored at this point because he cuts in and introduces himself, and Nyssa remembers him from Brenden School where they first met.Nyssa explains her work with the Lazurs ended 15 years previous after she developed a vaccine. She also tells her friends the crew on the station forty years ago had been studying the Richter Syndrome. A more powerful strain had quickly appeared almost out of nowhere and infected six billion people.She also explains Loki is her bodyguard and her databank.
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I am a sales associate by day, and 3D artist and writer at night. I have a passion for Doctor Who, especially the Fifth Doctor era. I go to conventions when I have the funds, and I also make costumes on my spare time.