Forty years on since he first played the part, Tom Baker is still the Doctor against whom all others are measured. With his endless scarf, toothy grin and pocket full of jelly babies, he looked an eccentric, scatter-brained figure but he was also a stern foe of evil wherever he encountered it, bringing down galactic dictatorships through the sheer force of his rhetoric - or even a well timed quip. Childish, flippant and silly, arrogant, abrasive and melancholy, he was a study in contradictions and Tom moved between those moods with the ease of someone who was simply born to play the role of a benevolent 900 year old alien. This Doctor is the most unpredictable of them all, yet viewers loved him for it, and Toms reign as the Time Lord saw ratings rise to their biggest ever peak. That seven year run firmly established him as one of the biggest icons in British television and left us with countless memorable moments. On the occasion of his 81st birthday this week, now seems the time to look over just a few of those. Grab yourself a jelly baby or two and get ready to countdown the top 10 moments of the Fourth Doctor.