Family Guy: 50 Best Episodes

42. Something, Something, Something Darkside

Family Guy 42Season: 8 Episode: 20 Original Air Date: May 23rd, 2010 The second episode, and intended finale, of the Family Guy Star Wars series, this one was heavily anticipated after the first one did so well and was so critically acclaimed. In this one, the family looks at The Empire Strikes Back, lampooning the Star Wars universe, as well as the science fiction multiverse, as a whole. It was a very accurate depiction of The Empire Strikes Back, while still allowing some wiggle room for the FG writers to throw in their usual pop culture references, cutaway gags, and offensive material. The end of the episode features some more "inside humor", with Peter getting into an argument with Chris over whether or not Robot Chicken is a good show. Chris, of course, is voiced by Seth Green, who is the creator of Robot Chicken, so it's hilarious to see the character of Chris, a dim-witted teenager getting so passionate in his defense of a show that he shouldn't really have that kind of opinion about. As is the case with It's A Trap, you don't have to be a fan of Star Wars to be a fan of this episode. There are plenty of people who have never seen a single moment of a Star Wars movie, but have gone on to enjoy this episode, and the rest of the FG trilogy. Don't get caught up in all of that, if you're worried about watching it.
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