Friends: 15 Most Watched Episodes Of All Time

6. The One With The Prom Video - 33.6m

Season 2 Episode 14 Yet another high-point in the immensely popular second season, this was the moment when Ross and Rachel's awkward wooing finally turned into something more concrete after the hurdles of Julie and the list. It had taken a long time, but finally good guy Ross got his girl, and surely the sky was the limit for their relationship...? The episode also gave fans the other high-points of Chandler's gold bracelet and Phoebe's theory on lobster love, leading to the spine-tingling final "look, she's her lobster" line. Obviously you have to ignore the plot-hole of Jack and Judy bringing Monica's stuff to her (despite the fact that it's later ruined by the flood of the garage), but the episode is one of the most important steps in the whole Ross/Rachel affair.
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