The agonising wait is almost over! This coming Sunday, HBO's Game of Thrones returns for its highly anticipated fourth season, delivering the fallout of the shocking events that ended season three, and no doubt continuing the high level of drama and superb production quality that the show is known for. So, what better time to look back at the 20 moments from the first three seasons that most had us wearing out the pause buttons on our Blu-ray players? These moments range from shocking, to sexy, to gory, to visually stunning, but each is a testament to the show's unwavering brilliance, and in itself a memorable image that will certainly stick in the mind of most Game of Thrones fans. In a show that has pretty much everything must audiences could want (sex, violence, and intrigue), it's certainly not hard to find 20 moments that had us hitting the pause button. Of course, there are so many more iconic Game of Thrones moments than the ones we've selected, so feel free to chime in with your own picks in the comments below! Also, remember that SPOILERS WILL FOLLOW, so if you've not finished catching up with season three yet, steer well clear for your own sake!
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.