Gotham Season 2: 7 Things You Need To Know

2. The Format Is Totally Changing

In a recent interview, Ben McKenzie made some very candid remarks about Gotham's shortcomings thus far. Top of the list was the show's procedural format, which adopts a very "monster of the week" style approach. Most episodes pit Gordon against a singular foe (with a little extra background noise) before said villain was captured and delivered to Arkham. Season 2 is going for something more long-form and serialized though:
€œI think we made a mistake relatively early on in trying to introduce a villain and take care of that villain in one episode: catch them, send them to Arkham, do whatever,€
It's a fair admission, the stilted structure of Gotham did hinder the show's overall value, but it's good to catch a problem like this sooner rather than later. As Gotham becomes more about very defined characters, it's important to ensure the narrative is layered and connected, rather than purely sequential. This change to the show's infrastructure is probably the biggest alteration we can expect, and for my money, it'll be the most beneficial.
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Writer, cinephile and owner of Vampire's Kiss on DVD. Take from that what you will.