Lost: Top 15 Deaths

10. Boone Carlyle

Boone Carlyle: the original sacrifice the island demanded. After climbing into the drug plane he and John Locke had discovered hanging perilously over the edge of a cliff face and being caught inside it when it fell, Boone later succumbed to his grievous internal wounds despite the best efforts of Jack Shephard to save his life. Although Boone was never one of the most important characters in the show and his efforts to prove himself to everyone often brought him into conflict with others, such as a misguided attempt at protecting the group's water supply, his nobility and general likeability made it a bit harder to say goodbye to the first main cast member to be written off the show. Despite what some would say considering his one-time-only physical relationship with his step-sister, Boone didn't deserve to die, let alone so brutally. Fortunately, for fans of the character, Boone would go on to make appearances in seasons two, three and six and his death ultimately furthered to color the tense dynamic between the island's man of science and man of faith. He may not have been one of the show's greatest characters, but his death shook up the social landscape of the other survivors, an effect which continued to ripple throughout the rest of the series.
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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!