Lost: Top 15 Deaths

12./11. Ana-Lucia Cortez & Libby Smith

In season two's Ana-Lucia-centric episode "Two for the Road," audiences were taken by surprise as it drew to a close when recently-returned Michael Dawson - who had been missing for a large chunk of the season in search of Walt and the Others - shot and killed an unsuspecting Ana, only to get caught by Libby and shoot her, too. After freeing the mysterious Henry Gale and turning the gun on himself, the episode abruptly ends, leaving audiences reeling over Michael's betrayal. Neither character was particularly well-loved, with Michelle Rodriguez's Ana in particular having drawn, perhaps, a little more ire than was deserved - especially considering the light shown on her character in the moments leading up to her death - and Libby's death causing more fans to be sorry for Hurley than for actually losing Libby, their dual demise stands out as one of the show's most shocking moments in general. Audiences may not have lost sleep over the loss of the two characters, but the surprise of it all and how it set the stage for the final episodes of the season solidifies its unforgettable status.
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Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at www.highdefgeoff.com!