Marvel's Jessica Jones: Everything You Need To Know

AKA, what comes after Netflix's Daredevil...

Just as the Marvel Cinematic Universe was beginning to feel a bit staid €“ with familiar plots, boring bad guys and a big Thanos build-up nobody cares about €“ Daredevil came swinging in. The first collaboration between the studio and Netflix brought something that was more like a gritty crime drama than a big-budget action film. Luckily, it still had a superhero involved so you could tell it as an MCU joint. The second of five proposed miniseries to be aired on Netflix, meanwhile, strays even further off the beaten part. Adapted from the Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos comic Alias, Jessica Jones takes place in the world of superheroes €“ but from a new perspective. Plans to bring Alias to the small screen pre-date the Netflix deal (and were made complicated by a TV show called Alias already existing), but its being produced now makes a lot more sense. Expanding the crime-ridden world of Daredevil with a private detective €“ who has a troubled past of her own) €“ is an intriguing concept. Unlike Daredevil, Alias is a little-known comic, so there's a good chance MCU fans aren't aware of it. This far into production, though, some details about the show have started to trickle out €“ like who's starring, who's writing, and which former Doctor Who actor is involved. Here's everything you need to know about Marvel's Jessica Jones.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at