Marvel's Jessica Jones: Everything You Need To Know

10. Krysten Ritter's Starring

Flying high off the back of a tragic part in Breaking Bad's second season and the eponymous role critically acclaimed (and prematurely cancelled) Don't Trust The B---- In Apartment 23, it's about time somebody gave Krysten Ritter a proper starring role. And Jessica Jones is a part that's perfect for the actor. Reportedly Ritter beat out such stiff competition as True Detective's Alexandra Daddario, Teresa Palmer from zombie rom-com Warm Bodies, Arrow's Jessica De Gouw and Marin Ireland of The Slap to play Jessica Jones. According to producer Melissa Rosenberg, Ritter €œbrings both the hard edge and the vulnerability the role demands€. The star of Netflix's second original series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is apparently suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder as she decides to open her own detective agency. Ritter's got a past of playing damaged, enigmatic characters, and Jones has clearly resonated with her as she eagerly devoured the Alias comic book series.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at