Sons Of Anarchy 7.12 Review - 5 Talking Points From Red Rose

A mother's work is never done.

As what is sure to be a highly combustible ending to Sons Of Anarchy approaches, it's fair to day the final ride has been a journey that has ran the entire gamut of human emotion. After the tortuous viewing experience of Suits Of Woe, that two week break was needed so viewers could regain a little composure before gearing up for the penultimate episode. Red Rose was all about characters coming to terms with and accepting their fate, as we saw Juice, Gemma, Unser and Jax all face the stark reality of their own ending and embrace it rather than push back against it, with only one of those three's arcs yet to play out in its entirety. This was an ugly piece of television in the sense that when it had ended, the audience was left feeling a bit dirty for sitting through it. Not because it wasn't entertaining (because it was), but because there was nothing fun about Red Rose, it was all designed to elicit the same emotional responses as the characters it featured. With only one episode left, it's still impossible to predict where everything will be when the SoA logo fades in for the last time and that's the mark of excellent writing. Most of the loose ends have been tied up with only a few threads remaining, but one could have irreparable ramifications for the entire Sons of Anarchy MC. The immense fan base hates that it has to end, but are dying to see how it does. Let's get to the talking points.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.