The final ride has come to an end, and after an amazing seven seasons of critical and commercial success, Sons Of Anarchy saw its last fade to black. The ending was bittersweet, telling a complete story and bringing the characters full circle, although not quite delivering the resolution many fans had hoped for. A little time was needed to process the events that unfolded in Papas Goods and, after some reflection, the episode was the perfect conclusion for the tumultuous journey of Jackson Teller. Going into the finale, many viewers were wondering how the creators could possibly find a way to tie up all the loose ends in time to bring the series to a satisfying end, but with events unfolding at the speed of machine-gun fire, those remaining threads were wrapped up in fairly short order so the show could focus on the real issue at hand - the fate of the SAMCRO president. If any criticism is to be levelled at Kurt Sutter for this episode, its that the usage of imagery and symbolism, particularly religious iconography, was extremely overt rather than the usual SoA subtlety weve come to expect, to the point that it bordered on ham-handedness. But Sutter wanted to make sure his message got across and theres no arguing that it didnt. Sons Of Anarchy will go down as one of the greatest dramatic television series to ever air, constantly pushing boundaries and taking risks, even in an era where TV has become more daring and creatively adventurous than ever before. It was a perfectly cast show set in a world of hardened bikers and gangs and made viewers emotionally invest in these characters as if they were family.
Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.