Star Wars Rebels Season 4 Trailer Breakdown: 16 Things You Need To See

8. Zeb - Captain Of The Honour Guard

Star Wars Rebels Season 4 trailer
Disney XD

Garazeb Orelios, the Lazat survivor, didn’t really get much of a character arc in the last season, with the focus being more on Ezra, Sabine and by extension, Kallus. That’s not to say that he will get one this season, however there is an interesting image that hints at a story that focuses more on him and his people.

It’s a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it moment, but in the trailer there is a shot of Hera and Zeb firing off their weapons at an unseen enemy, and both characters have a very different look. It could mean nothing, and this is purely speculation, but I would hazard a guess that this is either the armour of the Honour Guard of which Zeb was former Captain, or is his own Rebel outfit.

Hopefully, Zeb will get a couple of episodes to shine in this last season. He is a fantastic character and a member of a species largely unknown in the Star Wars Universe. And with Kallus now working alongside them, won't it be great to see the man who was responsible for Lazan’s destruction fighting alongside him.


Aspiring writer who talks a lot, and writes most of it down