Star Wars Rebels Season 4 Trailer Breakdown: 16 Things You Need To See

7. Entering Hyperspace

Star Wars Rebels Season 4 trailer
Disney XD

We’ve had iconic shots of ships flying into hyperspace. The reverse shot from The Force Awakens trailer springs to mind as one of the highlights, but the trailer for Rebels Season Four threatens to topple the rankings. In an earlier sequence, Hera is shown flying a U-Wing fighter through what looks to be construction site, featuring modules that we saw in The Honourable Ones, that look like mini-Death Stars. The assumption is that these modules are in fact linked to the Death Star’s construction, which may relate to the episodes where Saw makes his return and they discover more kyber-crystals.

But the real reason I am talking about these moments, is because Hera, being one of the most gifted pilots in the Rebellion, flies straight towards one of the hangers, and jumps right through it and into hyperspace. We may have seen Han Solo do this in The Force Awakens, but not quite as spectacularly, with Hera leaving a trial of Imperial destruction in her rear-view mirror. Now that’s one way to make an exit.

Star Wars Rebels
Disney XD

Aspiring writer who talks a lot, and writes most of it down