The Simpsons - All 15 Christmas Episodes Ranked
Tis the season to be yellow!

It's that time of year again. Christmas time. Time to take a few days off for the holidays, and spend them with your loving family. Eat fruit cake, egg nog, way too many sweets, dry turkey, candy canes, and all sorts of other items you either shouldn't or wouldn't want to eat the rest of the calendar year.
You know, maybe you should just ignore the calamity that is Christmas (at least in the real world), with the hectic trips to the overstuffed local mall, complete with screaming children lining up for a photo with a beleaguered department store Santa, and watch some TV.
In which case, you could do worse than a little Simpsons Christmas marathon.
The Simpsons has a full fifteen Christmas themed episodes in their Holiday arsenal (though they play fast and loose with the seasonal theme, and a few extra episodes that were added to their Christmas box sets have been discounted for having nothing to do with the holiday), and some of them are surprisingly good.
Some even qualify as true Simpsons classics - and they're not always the ones that you think!
So, grab a warm mug of cocoa, a couple of treats, and lets look at every single Simpsons Christmas episode ever - ranked!
15. The Burns And The Bees

As a Christmas episode, season 20's The Burns and the Bees barely counts (much like Dude, Where's My Ranch, actually included in the show's second Christmas themed DVD set). In fact, the good old Mr. Plow episode has more ties to Christmas than The Burns and the Bees seems to.
Still, somehow, this Burns-centric outing about the billionaire winning the "Austin Celtrics" basketball team in a poker game and moving them to Springfield makes the cut. Mostly because the opening of the episode has a Christmas theme. After that, there's nary a reference.
Instead, we get a subplot about Lisa trying to save bees (the plight of which is an important issue), and it turns out that the arena Burns burns has built for his new team resembles a hive, and a swarm released by Homer takes up residence there.
Merry Christmas? With so few links to the holidays (it's not even set in Winter!), there's a reason this episode comes in last.