The Walking Dead: 25 Coolest Walkers So Far

7. Bicycle Girl

The bicycle girl became one of the most iconic walkers on the show, thanks to her skin-crawling appearance in the very first episode, being Rick's first real encounter with the living dead. She was a fantastic introduction into the grim new face of the world, complete with no legs and most of the flesh on her torso rotten away, yet still gnashing away at Rick in a manner which was desperate, pathetic and utterly vile all at once.

6. Tank Walker

Again from the first episode, the tank walker was what was left of a soldier who died inside an Atlanta tank as the city fell. Rick scurried into the vehicle for refuge from the swarm which made light work of his unfortunate steed. He was symbolic of the idea that you're not safe anywhere now the walkers have taken over, but what makes it even creepier was the way in which it and Rick turn to each other at the same time, like some perverse undead Hangover Part 4. Bonus trivia: the actor who played the walker is none other than Sam Witwer, better known as Aidan Waite in the US version of Being Human and the star of the Star Wars: Force Unleashed games.

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.