10 Best John Cena Faces

8. John Cena LOL Face

John Cena Derp

HE MADE A POO JOKE! HA HA HA HA HA HA! AAAAAAAAH HA HA HA HA HA! GET IT?! POOOO!!!! No real talk though, John Cena often gets hauled up for his goofy promos, but then where would we be without John Cena LOL face? It's the face we get when John Cena knows he dun made a funny. Usually at the expense of poo and willies and bums and things like that.

Remember when he made that pun about Del Rio being a donkey called Hugh Jass? Ha ha ha ha! Hugh Jass! It's like Huge Ass! Oh man this stuff seriously writes itself...

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John Cena
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Lifelong wrestling fan. I like to talk about it. Argue with me!