10 Best John Cena Faces

9. John Cena Confused Face

John Cena Derp

"Wait, I actually lost?" One of the rarer John Cena Faces in his arsenal, this one is most commonly reserved for the few occasions where Cena loses a match (alright, let's be fair - the guy put over Styles and then some this year - but just look at those faces), or when something totally OUT OF NOWHERE happens (see Survivor Series 2009 after Shawn Michaels decks HHH for Peak John Cena Confused Face).

The mouth becomes tight and small, often with the tiniest little "o" just pursed at the bottom. The eyes become despondent as they desperately dance around looking for answers. The shoulders sag, he'll sometimes even take a seat - and the world around him shares in his confused as the madness of his surroundings truly set in. Dark times indeed.

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