10 Best WWE Elimination Chamber Moments Ever

There's a multitude to chose from, but which have been the absolute best?

Shawn Michaels Survivor Series 2002

The Elimination Chamber is not your average structure. In fact, at almost five metres high and 11 metres across, comprised of more than three kilometres of chain and weighing over 9,000 kilograms, this is arguably the most unique creation in all of pro wrestling history.

But those oft-touted figures are more than just a handy marketing tool.

Those dimensions combine to create an environment that is highly conducive to the unorthodox. As such, we’ve seen the match produce some incredible high-flying spots over the years, as well as some downright dangerous ones.

Of course, it’s not only death-defying stunts that the Elimination Chamber has become famed for. Its affiliations with the main event scene, not to mention its former position as the pre-cursor to WrestleMania, have helped establish it as one of the most significant match-types that the WWE possesses in its arsenal.

It all makes for a particularly exciting occasion, and a stipulation that has produced a whole of memorable moments over the years.

But which of these have been the best of all? Let's find out...

10. Undertaker Chokeslams MVP - No Way Out 2008

undertaker mvp chamber

We begin the list an extremely dangerous spot from the SmackDown Elimination Chamber match at No Way Out 2008.

When MVP made his away atop one of the pods—with ‘Taker close behind—there was only one way that this was going to end for Montel Vontavious Porter.

Having initially tried to ward off the Phenom, MVP soon found his throat in the uncompromising grip of the Undertaker. Seconds later, he was being hurled from the pod to the mat below. By my calculations, that’s a distance roughly twice as high as your usual top rope bump.

Safe to say that was all she wrote for MVP. But his work wasn’t without some kind of recognition; this remains one of the biggest bumps in Elimination Chamber history, and a prime example of the match's insanity.


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