10 Craziest On-Screen Arrests In WWE History
No prizes for guessing whether or not Stone Cold is included...

In a world where a miscreant company employee drugged the
boss’s daughter and wed her without consent, it’s perhaps not surprising that WWE has become no stranger to on-screen arrests.
Then again, in that example I just used, somehow everyone managed to get off scot free - no cuffs, no escorts, no “rights to remain silent” whatsoever. So God knows what that says about the instances in which wrestlers were actually arrested.
Or at least, arrested in storyline, that is.
Here I am going to recount some of the most extraordinary
examples of on-screen personnel being put behind bars, as we look back at
ten of the craziest on-screen arrests in WWE history.
Which does mean we’ll be glossing over some of the tamer
examples of on-screen arrests, such as Dean Ambrose being stitched up for
accidentally pushing a cameraman, or Brie Bella going quietly when framed by
Stephanie McMahon. And, of course, John Cena being cuffed for spray-painting “JBL
is poopy” on a limo…
To the slammer!
10. Vince McMahon (2015)

Very few companies would want to portray their owner as a
criminal live on global television, but WWE have actually done so on more
than one occasion. The most recent instance came on the Dec. 28, 2015
showing of Monday Night Raw when Vince McMahon was arrested for getting a
little too handsy with a supposed member of the law.
Initially, the plan had been for Vince and Stephanie McMahon to have Roman Reigns arrested for pushing over the chairman of the board. Of course, being the fine, upstanding officers they were, the cops in question refused to allow the McMahon’s to manipulate them in such a way.
Clearly Vince didn’t take too kindly to this, getting more and more riled before declaring “I’m Vince McMahon, you’ve got to care who I am pal!” and eventually seizing the officer by the lapels.
Quickly realising the error of his ways, Vince soon adopted a more apologetic tone, but the damage had already been done. Vince was reprimanded and sent to the cells, spawning one of the most brilliant t-shirt designs I’ve ever seen.
Though Vince was eventually taken quietly, the fact that this was a 70-year-old executive allegedly being arrested makes this one worthy of a spot on the list.