10 Criminally Low WWE PPV Buyrates

1. TLC 2014 - (39,000 Buys)

First showing up as a Pay-Per-View in 2009, Tables, Ladders & Chairs has always been an event which splits the wrestling audience right down the middle. On one side, fans are glad that there's a few weapons-based brawls to look forward to and close out the year in style. On the other, enthusiasts have argued that basing an entire PPV around one match type shoe horns the writing team into booking feuds which have an obvious story arc. Apparently, that latter viewpoint is reflected on a larger scale, and currently, TLC 2014 is the lowest buyrate World Wrestling Entertainment have ever pulled. Fans shouldn't be happy about this, because it's not a good thing - there are many problems with the WWE product right now, but gloating about small buyrates won't do anybody any good. Perhaps however, it will stun WWE's top brass into realising they have to do something which appeals to their vast audience, better than what they're presenting right now. Only 17,000 North Americans decided TLC was attractive enough to purchase, which is scary. By far, that is the lowest number of domestic citizens WWE have ever enticed, and the fact the show pulled in just over the same number worldwide is sobering. What other low buy rates shocked you? Do you think these numbers changed anything once brought to the attention of WWE management, and Vince McMahon himself? Let us know in the comments section!

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.