10 Fake Versions Of Popular WWE Superstars

4. Sting - Jeff Farmer

Imposter Razor Ramon

When the WCW introduced a second Sting character in 1996, the doppelganger quickly became an asset in the storyline between Sting and the New World Order. The second Sting (played by Jeff Farmer) would appear in situations to confuse Sting’s allies, in an attempt to make them believe Sting had joined the nWo.

That all came to a head in the War Games at Fall Brawl ‘96, when Team nWo took on Team WCW and the mirror image Stings stood face-to-face. In the wake of the revelation, the bogus Sting (Farmer) began being referred to as nWo Sting, while the real Sting (Steve Borden) began his transformation into the crow character he would become.

The introduction of a second Sting was fine as a storyline vehicle but when WCW’s relationship with New Japan saw nWo Sting become part of the nWo Japan faction overseas, it muddied the waters considerably. During his time in Japan, nWo Sting’s popularity rose arguably higher than the original's and Farmer would appear as nWo Sting until he left nWo Japan in late ‘99, appearing as Super J thereafter.

Back in the States, Farmer appeared sporadically as nWo Sting on the independents until he retired in 2005. Even WWE themselves got caught up in the confusion, using an image of nWo Sting on the back of the “Best of Sting” DVD set.


Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!