10 Greatest Canadian Wrestlers Of All Time

3. Rowdy Roddy Piper

Wwe Canada

Although he was billed from Glasgow, Roddy Piper was actually born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. “The Rowdy One” famously embraced his Scottish heritage and was known for his signature: kilt, bagpipe entrance music and classic “Scottish Rage”. One of the most recognizable wrestlers of all-time, he is widely regarded as perhaps the best villain in wrestling history and helped headline the first ever Wrestlemania as well as competing in the first Starrcade. Aside from his accomplishments in the ring, Piper also starred in several movies including the 1988 cult classic They Live. Roddy Piper was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2005.

“Hot Rod” Roddy Piper wrestled from several promotions over his acclaimed career but most notably competed in: the NWA, WWF/WWE and WCW. Beginning his career in Manitoba, Piper would work for several years before finding his way to California and later to Georgia. Discovering his now famous character, Hot Rod enjoyed much success in the NWA and captured twenty-nine championships including the NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Championship three times. Turning heel, Piper began wrestling for the WWF in 1984.

Roddy was given his own segment called “Piper’s Pit” which allowed the talented Canadian/Scotsman to display his immense ability to generate a reaction from the crowd. Piper’s Pit would lead to several memorable moments, including Piper smashing a coconut over Jimmy Snuka’s head. Despite his popularity and achievements within the company, Piper only captured two titles: the Intercontinental championship in 1992 and the Tag Titles (with Ric Flair) in 2006.

After 1992, Roddy Piper focused his career more predominately on acting; but he nevertheless continued to make appearances in wrestling until his death in 2015. Piper debuted for WCW in 1996, although in less of a wrestling capacity as his previous runs in the WWF. Later, Piper routinely appeared on the Independent circuit as well as in TNA when he was not under contract with the WWE.

Rowdy Roddy Piper will forever be remembered as one of the greatest wrestling villains in the history of the business. He innovated what a heel was capable of, especially in an atmosphere where only the people like the world champion got to talk. A true Canadian legend, Piper passed away too early at the age of sixty-one.


Philip German hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.