10 Greatest Wrestling Technicians In WWE History
They emphasized the sport in professional wrestling.

Professional wrestling may be an industry built on the backs of larger-than-life characters who are both marketable and media savvy, but at its roots, the business is about in-ring performance. It was born in real sport, where grappling proved the toughness and skill of a man. As much as Vince McMahon may have, and continues to, erase the significance of wrestling from the industry, it has and always will be essential to its overall success.
Throughout the five-decade history of WWE, McMahon's company has touted some of the best technical wrestlers ever. While some had their roots in the 1970s and '80s, most emerged in the 2000s, as the prototype for a successful wrestler began to change. They were as likely to deliver a five-star classic as they were to captivate an audience with an entertaining promo.
As a result, McMahon's product evolved from a highly entertaining way to spend a few hours on Monday and Thursday nights, to a show that featured the most gifted technicians in the industry delivering the best matches fans could ask for.
Regardless of where they came from, what their background is or what generation they plied their craft, it is impossible to deny these 10 men their place on a list documenting the greatest in-ring technicians in WWE history.
10. Owen Hart

A member of the famed Hart family, it should surprise no one that Owen Hart made this list. An extraordinary in-ring competitor, Owen possessed the attributes of a great technician but also added his own twist. He sailed through the air, earning the nickname "Rocket" and wiped opponents out with headscissors and heel kicks that fans of WWE had never been exposed to before.
His ability to launch himself with dives off the top rope, including a beautiful missile dropkick, never significantly ate away at the youngest Hart's technical expertise. He still exercised the ability to wear down his opponent, working over a knee in preparation for the Sharpshooter that he stole from his older sibling, Bret.
Utilizing butterfly and German suplexes learned in arenas across the globe, Hart's place in history as one of the first to bring the tosses he learned in Mexico and Japan to the grand stage of WWE is criminally underrated.
One of the best wrestlers of his or any generation, Hart's legacy as one of the masters of the mat remains intact, some 17 years after his tragic passing.